Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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approve to consider good or right.
communication the sharing or exchange of messages, information, or ideas.
congratulation the act of expressing pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
deaf not able to hear, or not able to hear well.
fancy something pictured in the mind or wished for that may not be based on reason or real life.
feedback the giving back of opinions, corrections, or other comments from people who have been presented with something like a product, process, or event.
glee a feeling of delight or joy.
hunch to lift up or arch into a hump.
longtime having existed or continued over a long period of time.
misfortune an instance of something very bad or unlucky happening.
obvious easily seen or understood; clear.
rare1 not often found or seen; not common.
terrorist one who uses violence, torture, or physical intimidation to achieve one's ends, especially one's political ends.
unfortunate having bad luck; unlucky.
vegetation plants or plant life in a particular place.