Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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assist to give aid or support to.
contractor a person who signs an agreement to carry out a particular job at a certain price and also to supply necessary things for the job. A contractor often hires, supervises, and pays other people to help or to do the work. A person in charge of building or repairing a house is often a contractor.
convenient easily used for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort; useful.
festival a ceremony or celebration that involves special activities and amusements and often occurs once a year.
idol a statue or image of a god that is used as an object of worship.
longtime having existed or continued over a long period of time.
lore1 that which is known or believed about a subject, especially that transmitted by tradition, oral means, or obscure writings.
meek doing what others want; not standing up for oneself; tame.
moral having to do with what is right and what is wrong in how a person acts.
nuzzle to touch, push, or rub the nose against.
punctuate to put commas, periods, apostrophes, and other such marks in a piece of writing.
rare1 not often found or seen; not common.
stroll to walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose.
thrive to do well or be successful.
warehouse a large building or other place where products or private goods are stored.