Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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atmosphere the gases surrounding the earth or other similar objects in outer space.
aware knowing or careful (usually followed by "of").
beckon to signal to come using a motion of the head or hands.
corps a branch of the military that does a special kind of work.
decade a unit of time equal to ten years.
desire to want or wish for.
fragment a broken-off or incomplete part.
jinx someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck.
lessen to become or make smaller in amount or size.
mutant a life form whose genes are different from those of its parents. A mutant has new traits or characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring.
nudge to push gently or touch with the elbow to attract attention.
parlor a room in a house, hotel, restaurant, or the like for conversation or for entertaining guests.
permission agreement from an authority that one may do something.
prepare to make ready.
relay to carry or pass on.