Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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appreciation a feeling of thanks.
civilization an advanced state of development of a society as judged by such things as having a system of government and laws, using a written language, and keeping written records.
collaborative characterized by or resulting from the activity of people or organizations working together for a common purpose.
disciple one who follows a leader or teacher; pupil.
disdain an attitude or display of contempt; scorn.
element a part of any whole.
embitter to make bitter the feelings or attitude of (someone).
flair a natural ability; talent.
forecast a guess or estimate about something that will happen in the future.
luxurious giving great comfort or pleasure.
medieval of, or having to do with the Middle Ages.
shun to keep away from or avoid on purpose.
sparse not thick or dense; scattered in thin amounts.
terrain land or ground, or the natural characteristics of its surface.
wrongheaded contrary to sound judgment.