Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
bicker to quarrel about something that does not matter.
bid an offer to buy something at a certain price or to do a job for a certain price.
compliment an expression of praise, admiration, or approval.
discomfort a condition of being uneasy or in pain.
electronic having to do with devices, equipment, or systems that use electricity in complex ways while employing very tiny parts.
extreme at the farthest point of something.
galaxy a collection of billions of stars and other matter held together by gravity. Our planet Earth and the sun belong to the Milky Way galaxy. They are only tiny parts of this galaxy.
lair a wild animal's shelter; den.
pasture a piece of land on which animals are put to graze.
presidency the office, length of service, and jobs of a president.
reproduce to make a copy of.
stalk1 a plant's main stem.
surface the outside limit or top layer of something.
tunnel an underground or underwater passage created so that people or vehicles can go through it.