Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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autocracy rule by one person with absolute power; despotism.
bromide a bland or trite remark or idea.
demagogue a leader, especially a speaker or politician, who attempts to persuade and to gain a following by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the public, rather than by rational argument.
dogged persistent or stubborn.
exuberant vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited.
finesse refined and delicate skill or tact in executing a task or coping with a situation.
imprecise not exact, accurate, or well-defined; vague.
incriminate to show involvement in a crime.
introspection examination of one's own thoughts, emotions, and sensations; self-scrutiny.
jubilation a feeling of great joy, pride, and happiness; exultation.
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience.
posthumous beginning, occurring, or continuing after one's death.
rectify to put right or correct (a bad situation, injustice, or the like); remedy.
spat1 a short, slight quarrel.
wayward difficult to control; willfully disobedient.