Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anarchist a person who believes in, desires, or tries to realize a society or state without a government.
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal.
collusion action undertaken in secret partnership or collaboration, usually for illicit purposes.
digestible capable of being broken down and absorbed as food.
imperative very important; urgent.
impregnable1 able to withstand any attack, as a fortress.
natty (informal) neat, well-groomed, and smartly dressed; dapper.
proxy a person who is authorized to act for or on behalf of another, especially as a voter; substitute.
recalcitrant stubbornly disobedient; refractory.
recluse a person who lives in voluntary isolation from others.
sedentary involving or characterized by sitting or little physical activity.
temperamental changeable as to mood, nature, operability, or the like; unpredictable.
transitory lasting for only a short time; brief.
troublesome causing anxiety, worry, or bother.
vestige a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing.