Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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coalition an alliance, especially a temporary one, of various factions, parties, or nations.
compatible able to exist or function harmoniously with another.
comprehensive including everything or almost everything; wide in range.
concession an act or instance of yielding or conceding.
corporate of or relating to a corporation.
corruption activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity.
deft skillful, quick, and clever in action.
entrust to hand over to for the care or protection of.
heckler one who disrupts a performance or public address with annoying remarks or questions.
infuse to fill or inspire.
obstruction something that blocks the way or prevents progress.
plush a type of cloth having long, soft, thick fibers.
policy1 a set of rules or a plan that is used as a guide for action.
sparse not thick or dense; scattered in thin amounts.
trend a general course, direction, or tendency.