Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of.
affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
compassion a feeling of sharing another's suffering that leads to a desire to help.
confluence a joining of two or more streams, or their point of junction.
extradition the legal transfer of a fugitive from one state or jurisdiction to another where he or she is to be tried or imprisoned.
fulsome offensive, especially because of excessiveness or insincerity.
moot not clearly settled; arguable; debatable.
nondescript having no individual distinctiveness; lacking in notable features.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
pinnacle the highest point or part of anything; apex; summit.
proletariat the working class, especially those who lack capital and must sell their usually unskilled labor in order to survive.
proliferate to spread or increase quickly.
suave polished and urbane.
unimpressive lacking notable qualities; unremarkable; not impressive.
wily cleverly deceitful; tricky; cunning.