Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
avoid to keep away from.
blur to cause to run together or become confused.
century a unit of time equal to one hundred years.
evict to legally force to leave a rented property.
gasoline a liquid that burns, used mainly as fuel for engines. Gasoline is made from petroleum.
greed a great desire for more wealth and possessions than one needs or deserves.
homeless having no place indoors to live.
horizon the line where the earth and the sky appear to meet.
pneumonia a serious disease in which the lungs become swollen and painful and fill with liquid. Pneumonia is caused by viruses or bacteria.
precipitation the act of water falling in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
supply to provide.
traditional relating to customs and ways of doing things in a particular culture that are passed down from parents to children.
treaty a formal agreement between two or more countries.
wholly entirely; completely.