Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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carat a unit of weight for diamonds and other gems, equal to one-fifth of a gram.
delirium a temporary state of mental disturbance sometimes caused by high fever, shock, or intoxication, and characterized by confusion, hallucinations, delusions, disturbed speech, and the like.
gripe (informal) to complain continually; nag; grumble.
historian one who writes about or is an expert on history.
infuse to fill or inspire.
martial having to do with war or military activities.
mode a way of doing something.
negate to render ineffective or invalid; nullify.
obesity the condition of being exceedingly and unhealthily overweight.
outrageous extremely wrong or harmful.
perish to die or be destroyed by violence or in some other way that is not natural.
shudder to tremble or give a sudden shiver.
simplicity the condition or quality of being easy to understand or do.
terminal found at or forming the end of something.
vacancy unfilled space, place, or position.