Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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arrive to come to or reach a certain place.
bridge a structure that goes over something such as a river or road so that people can travel from one side to the other.
carton a box made of heavy paper.
cheap having a low price.
frozen changed into a solid or made hard by freezing.
limb one of the large branches of a tree.
mustache the hair that grows above the upper lip.
nervous feeling worry or fear about a particular thing or things.
orchard a piece of land planted with fruit or nut trees.
pack a container for carrying things on the back.
pay to give money to (a person or business) in exchange for things or services.
road a long, hard surface for vehicles and people to travel on.
root the part of a plant that grows under the ground. Roots take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil.
slope A surface that is higher on one end than the other.
tow to pull along at the end of a rope or chain.