Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
bleak bare, cold, or not protected from the weather.
civil having to do with citizens or the general population.
constitutional having to do with a constitution.
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
crave to need or desire very much.
decisive able to make firm decisions or end arguments.
displace to force out of a home territory or particular place.
engage to get or hold the interest of; occupy.
err to make a mistake.
fabulous almost impossible to believe; amazing.
installation the act of installing or condition of being installed.
involvement the state of having a role in or interest in.
rueful feeling, showing, or causing regret or sorrow.
variable something that can change or that has no fixed value.