Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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blind not able to see; having no sight.
costly having a high price or value.
dangle to hang or swing loosely.
formula a rule or way of doing something expressed in a standard way using words or symbols.
full-time involving or working the standard number of working hours per week, typically forty hours in the U.S.
lengthen to make or become longer.
manufacturer a company that makes things in large quantities, usually in a factory and using machines.
precision the state of being accurate or exact.
primary main; chief.
prosper to be successful or have good luck; thrive.
regard to think of with a particular feeling or in a certain way; consider.
savage fierce; cruel.
startle to cause to move suddenly.
successful having reached a wanted goal.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.