Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arrangement the way in which a group of things lie or have been placed.
chute a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
compliment an expression of praise, admiration, or approval.
expand to make larger or wider.
frequency the number of times something happens within a certain period of time.
horrid causing a feeling of horror; dreadful; frightening.
positive certain; sure.
pronunciation the act or manner of saying the sounds of words.
rage to act or talk violently or with intense anger.
reaction an action or response to something that has happened or has been done.
rebuild to build again; repair.
reserve to hold back or save for later use.
sake reason; purpose.
settlement a place that is newly inhabited by people.
snag a sharp or jagged projection upon which something can be caught or torn.