Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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authority the right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people.
bygone gone by; former; past.
concern to have to do with; be about; affect.
correction the act of making something right or more accurate.
creativity the ability to make or invent something original or imaginative.
dissect to cut open or apart in order to examine.
impressive having a lasting effect on the mind or feelings; making a strong impression.
offender one who has upset or harmed another or has broken a law.
petrify to turn into stone. Minerals left behind by water petrify wood by replacing woods cells when they die.
possible capable of being, happening, being done, or being used.
producer a person or company that makes something.
religious devoted to the beliefs of a particular religion.
strictly strongly; absolutely.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
typically usually; normally.