Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arch a curved structure made out of stone or brick and used to span an open space such as a door.
cancer a disease in which certain cells divide and grow much faster than they normally do.
disappointed unhappy because what one hoped for did not happen or because something is not as good as one expected.
extension the act of making longer in size or length of time.
gash a long and deep cut, such as a wound.
heir a person who receives or has the right to receive another person's property or title after that person's death.
hibernate to sleep through the winter in a den or burrow to save energy. Bears, snakes, and certain other animals hibernate.
loft an open space or room just under the roof; attic.
mood the way a person feels at a certain time.
transport the act of carrying or moving from one place to another.
trial the act of hearing a case in court to decide whether or not a person has broken a particular law.
unite to join together into a whole; combine.
upstairs on or toward an upper floor; up the stairs.
yield to give forth or produce.
youth the quality or state of being young.