Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affect1 to cause a change in; influence.
bluster to blow in a strong and noisy way.
deeply in a strong and serious way; intensely.
dishonor loss of honor or reputation.
funnel a tool shaped like a cone with a narrow tube at the small end. Funnels are used for pouring something into a small opening.
ghost the spirit of a person who has died, especially one that is believed to haunt a place or living people.
harmful causing or likely to cause harm; dangerous.
invent to think of, come up with, or create something new.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
satisfy to give what is wanted or needed.
scoundrel a wicked person; villain.
sensation a condition of being aware of something or feeling something by means of one of the senses.
specialty a special skill or field of study.
squeal a fairly long, loud, shrill sound or cry.
suburb an area or community located just outside a city or town.