Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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application a way of being used.
cannibal an animal that eats its own species.
comprise to be made up of; consist of.
counterpart someone or something that is just like or similar to another.
denounce to speak out against.
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; shrink.
ecosystem a community of living things, together with their environment.
entrepreneur someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses.
format the way in which something is arranged or organized.
generate to bring into being or to produce.
perceive to become aware of through the senses.
restrain to hold back or control.
shudder to tremble or give a sudden shiver.
snob a person who admires and imitates people of a high social or intellectual class. Snobs act or feel superior to anyone of a lower class.
sustain to provide with the basic necessities of life.