Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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absolve to free from consequences, blame, or guilt.
complaisant eager or willing to please; amenable; obliging.
culvert a man-made channel for drainage or the like that passes under a street or other thoroughfare.
impiety lack of reverence or respect, especially for what others consider sacred.
intone to recite in musical or lengthened tones, especially in a monotone; chant.
irrefutable impossible to disprove; indisputable.
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience.
reinstate to put back into a former position, condition, or state of effectiveness.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
salutary having or intended to have a beneficial effect.
satire a literary or dramatic work that ridicules or derides human vice or foolishness, usually through the use of parody or irony.
shamble to walk slowly, unsteadily, or awkwardly.
solemnity the condition or quality of being grave or serious.
titanic having enormous size, strength, or power; colossal; huge.
vigil a watch or period of surveillance, especially one kept during normal sleeping hours.