Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aura the subtle emanation of a quality or condition of someone or something.
banter joking, clever conversation.
celestial of or having to do with the sky or outer space.
commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government.
eventuality something that might happen; contingent occurrence.
exuberant vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited.
mandatory ordered; required; obligatory.
noncommittal not revealing what one's preference, feeling, or opinion is.
overbearing arrogantly dominating; dictatorial.
parity equality in amount, status, strength, or the like.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
salubrious favorable to good health; healthy; wholesome.
skirmish a minor or preliminary battle between small military units.
testy easily annoyed or angered; irritable; touchy.
tyrannical imposing one's will on others by threat or force; despotic; oppressive.