Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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canter a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop.
dampen to make moist or slightly wet.
debt something owed to another person.
example something that shows what a group of things is like.
guitar a stringed instrument with a long neck and five, six, or twelve strings that are strummed or plucked.
history everything that has happened in the past to people or things, or a telling of these events.
horizontal parallel to the surface of the earth or to the horizon.
horrid causing a feeling of horror; dreadful; frightening.
majestic having majesty; grand; splendid; noble.
monopolize to get or keep sole control of; have for oneself alone; take over.
restless not able to relax, sit still, or stay quiet.
surpass to be greater or larger than; go beyond.
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another.
tuft a group or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other. Yarn, hair, and grass are some strands that can form tufts.
universe all matter and energy; all existing things, including the earth and heavens.