Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abet to incite, encourage, or aid, especially in wrongdoing.
cadaverous of or resembling a corpse; pale and thin or emaciated.
clout (informal) influence or power to persuade.
dovetail to fit together precisely or harmoniously.
embellishment a beautifying decoration or addition.
gainsay to deny or contradict.
glacial of, concerning, coming from, or marked by the presence of glaciers or other large ice masses.
inveterate persisting in a habit, action, feeling, or the like.
potentate a person of great power, such as a ruler.
quizzical expressing doubt, confusion, or questioning; puzzled.
scintillate to send out sparks.
stature relative status as measured by skill or achievement; reputation.
tout to publicize flatteringly and boastfully.
variegate to make varied or give variety to, especially by making multicolored.
wayward difficult to control; willfully disobedient.