Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acerbic sharp, sour, or harsh in manner, tone, or the like.
articulate able to speak or express oneself in a clear way.
audit an often official examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy, or the report of such an examination.
bequest property handed down by will; legacy.
bevy a group of birds or other animals, especially quail or larks.
courier someone who delivers messages, packages, and the like, especially for a government, military organization, or business.
disuse the state or condition of not being used or practiced any longer.
dowdy1 not at all stylish; shabby or dull.
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing; fleeting.
fastidious exceedingly particular or demanding especially in matters of detail; exacting.
fester to become filled with pus; become infected.
infamy evil or shameful reputation.
luxuriant growing thickly and in great numbers; lush.
mendacity a tendency to lie; untruthfulness.
underrate to value or appreciate insufficiently; underestimate.