Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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adamantine firmly decided or fixed; unyielding.
adulteration the act or process of making worse or impure by adding unnecessary or inferior ingredients.
austere having only what is needed; very simple or plain.
barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of.
brash rudely self-assertive; bold; impudent.
derision mockery or ridicule.
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve.
gnomic short and pithy, as an aphorism.
goad something that spurs a person to action; stimulus.
guru in a cult or religious movement, a spiritual guide or leader, sometimes believed to be divine.
munificent having or showing great generosity.
pinchbeck false, sham, or counterfeit.
reconnoiter to go through or over (an area) so as to gain information about it, as for military or engineering purposes.
travesty something so grotesque or inferior as to seem a parody.