Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bald having little or no hair on the head.
fable a short tale that teaches a lesson. The characters in fables are often animals who speak and act like people.
front the most forward part or side of something.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
happiness the feeling of having joy or being glad.
joke a short story with a funny ending that is told to make people laugh.
naughty not behaving or obeying.
poke to push with a thin or sharp object.
pot a deep, round container made of metal, clay, glass, or other material. Pots are used for cooking and other purposes.
safety the condition of being safe from danger.
shallow not deep.
shelf a thin, flat piece of wood, metal, or other material that is attached to a wall or set into a piece of furniture. Shelves are used to hold books, dishes, and other things.
silence a lack of sound.
street a public road in a town or city.
tricky using or marked by tricks or lies.