Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acoustic having to do with sound or hearing.
bid an offer to buy something at a certain price or to do a job for a certain price.
emotion a strong feeling such as joy, hatred, sorrow, or fear. When one feels an emotion, there are physical changes such as an increase in pulse, crying, or trembling.
engrave to cut a design or lettering into.
error a mistake in thought or action; something that is wrong.
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden or stored in order to have it available in the future.
invest to put into use for the purpose of making money.
loft an open space or room just under the roof; attic.
private allowing only certain people to take part in or to know about.
proceed to move forward after a stop.
propeller a device used to make an airplane or ship move forward. A propeller is made of tilted blades that are attached to and spin around a hub.
roughly approximately; about.
semester one half of a school or college year.
several being an amount that is more than "a few" but less than "many."
survivor someone or something that still exists or is still alive after being in danger.