Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acerbic sharp, sour, or harsh in manner, tone, or the like.
aloft high above the ground.
apportion to assign, adjust, or distribute parts so as to maintain the proper proportion; allot.
canvass to conduct a survey of; poll.
celestial of or having to do with the sky or outer space.
complacent too satisfied with oneself or one's situation.
debit an amount of money taken out of or owed on an account, or the record of that amount.
differentiate to distinguish between or among.
dote to have or show too much love or affection (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
gainsay to deny or contradict.
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction or copying; not original.
laborious requiring considerable effort or perseverance.
mainstay the main support of something.
precinct an area in a town or city that forms a separate district for voting or that is looked after by one police unit.
stolid neither feeling nor showing much range of emotion; impassive.