Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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brush a tool for cleaning, painting, and other things. It has a handle and a tight group of stiff fibers on one end.
bully to frighten or hurt.
crib a bed with high sides all around for a baby or young child to sleep in.
gate a part of a fence or wall that swings to open and close.
grand splendid in size or appearance.
hockey a game played on ice by two teams. Each person wears skates and carries a long stick.
knife a tool with a handle and a thin, sharp blade that is used for cutting.
law the set of rules that people in a society must follow.
lock a device used to prevent people from taking something or to keep something closed.
nature the basic character and qualities of a person or thing.
short not long in size or time.
stool a seat on tall legs and without arms or a back.
temper a usual state of mind of manner of feeling.
wagon a small, open cart with four wheels and a handle, used as a child's toy.
wilderness a region in its natural state where there are things like trees and wild animals, but no people living there.