Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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firmly in a way that uses some strength; not lightly.
fuss activity or attention that is not necessary.
hook a curved piece that is used for holding, hanging, or pulling things. A hook is made of metal, plastic, or another hard material.
hunter a person who tries to find and kill animals for food.
moist a little bit wet.
narrow not wide.
oil a slippery liquid that comes from minerals, animals, plants, or chemicals.
photograph a picture made by using a camera that records an image.
smart intelligent; knowing a lot.
spare available for use at a later time.
swim to move through water by moving parts of the body.
throw to send something through the air using your arm.
uphill on an upward slope or in an upward direction.
upon on.
weight the quality that makes something heavy.