Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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artisan a person skilled in making things, especially by using the hands. People such as those who make furniture, quilts, or other crafts are artisans.
brandish to wave or shake (something such as a weapon) in a threatening or agitated manner.
chauvinist one who has a biased belief in the superiority of one's own sex over the other.
guile deceitfulness, treachery, or skillful cunning; wiliness.
impetus something that urges or impels; a driving force.
incipient starting to exist or become apparent; in an early stage of development.
odorous having or giving off a distinctive or strong smell.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
populous having a large population.
potentate a person of great power, such as a ruler.
psychiatrist a medical doctor who treats people with mental and emotional illnesses.
simpleminded not complex or sophisticated.
stratify to assign categories or create divisions within (a society) according to a hierarchy of social or economic classes.
tenable able to be upheld, affirmed, supported, or defended; logical.
totality the state or quality of being total.