Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amenable willing to respond, agree, or submit; agreeable; pliable.
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance.
chasten to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment.
clout (informal) influence or power to persuade.
diaphanous of fabric or the like, almost transparent; sheer; filmy; delicate.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
gouge a cut or hole made with something sharp.
limpid perfectly clear; transparent.
mimicry an act, instance, or the art of imitating or copying the speech, behavior, or expressions of others.
plaintive showing or expressing sadness or sorrow.
potent having strength; powerful.
raze to knock down or tear down (a structure); level.
retrograde moving or tending to move in a backward direction; retreating.
splice to join (two pieces of film, tape, or similar things) at the ends.
stoic showing little or no reaction to painful or pleasant experiences; unmoved; impassive.