Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assay to try out or test.
bankrupt not able to pay money owed and free by law from having to pay.
camouflage a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surroundings. The military uses camouflage to hide people, buildings, or vehicles from the enemy.
categorize to put into groups that have common characteristics; arrange by categories; classify.
enlighten to give information or knowledge to.
frigid very cold; freezing.
harassment behavior that threatens, attacks, or offends another person repeatedly.
inhabit to live in; use as a dwelling.
interpret to decide on or explain the meaning of.
mistaken being an error.
monopoly complete control over a service or product within a given area.
obsolete no longer in use.
rejoice to be full of joy or show great pleasure (sometimes followed by "in").
satisfactory good enough to meet a need or desire.
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by this device.