Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ache to have a dull pain that lasts a long time.
drug a substance that causes a change in the body and mind.
habit a regular action or activity.
harness a set of straps by which a work animal is attached to a cart, carriage, or plow. The harness is used to control and guide the animal.
junk things that have little worth.
pant to breathe in quick, short breaths; gasp.
peace a time when there is no war or fighting.
properly in the appropriate way.
remove to take something off or away.
scream to make a loud high cry or sound.
serve to give aid or help; be of use.
solar having to do with or coming from the sun.
tag a piece of thick paper, thin metal, or plastic that gives information and is attached to something.
trip the act of traveling from one place to another.
wish to desire; want.