Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beloved cherished and adored.
curse a statement of a wish that something bad will happen to someone or something.
dessert a sweet food served at the end of a meal.
expensive costing a lot of money; having a high price.
frequency the number of times something happens within a certain period of time.
frolic to act in a playful way by romping about, making merry, or playing jokes.
ideal a belief or aim considered to be worthy of honor or respect.
infant a child in the first months of life.
mutant a life form whose genes are different from those of its parents. A mutant has new traits or characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring.
plod to move in a slow, tired, or heavy way.
pouch a sturdy bag or sack of any size that is used to carry things.
retirement the time of one's life after one has stopped working permanently.
thrill to cause to feel a sudden, sharp excitement.
twinkle to shine with a light that flickers or is not steady.
typical having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing.