Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt.
auspicious likely to be followed by favorable events.
capitalist one who supports an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned, and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market.
castigation the act of rebuking, severely criticizing, or punishing, especially in a public forum.
distillation the process of heating a substance to produce a vapor, which is then cooled and condensed, in order to purify, concentrate, or extract components from the substance.
hilarity noisy or boisterous merriment.
jurisdiction the right or authority to interpret and administer the law.
legacy money, property, or other goods left to someone in a will.
missive a message in writing; letter.
morass something that hinders passage or engulfs an unwary person.
parable a very short story told to teach a moral or religious lesson.
profusion an abundant supply or display.
reprieve to release (someone) temporarily or permanently from planned or impending punishment, pain, or difficulty.
solicit to try to obtain (business, recruits, donations, help, or the like) by persuasion, formal request, or pleading.
turgid overwrought in language or style; too solemn or too ornate; inflated; bombastic.