Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aura the subtle emanation of a quality or condition of someone or something.
bane something or someone that causes ruin or great trouble.
brazen shameless; bold.
decadence a decline into immorality; loss of moral values.
dilapidated fallen into ruin or decay.
enrapture to cause to be in rapture or to be ecstatically joyful.
exchangeable capable of being interchanged with or given in return for another.
hoodwink to trick, deceive, or dupe.
imbibe to take up or consume by drinking.
incisive marked by clear, penetrating thought; sharp.
ingrain to impress (habits, ideas, values, or the like) deeply and firmly in one's nature or mind.
irony a manner of using language so that it conveys a different or opposite meaning to that which is literally expressed in the words themselves. Irony is used in ordinary conversation and also as a literary technique, especially to express criticism or to produce humor or pathos.
marquee a canopy or a covering like a roof over the entrance to a building. The marquee over a theater shows the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of the actors.
promontory a high cliff that sticks out into a large body of water or that rises above an area of lower land.
satire a literary or dramatic work that ridicules or derides human vice or foolishness, usually through the use of parody or irony.