Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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classification the act of putting or ordering things into groups of similar things.
competitor a person, group, or thing engaged in a contest.
craft a trade or occupation that requires skill with the hands.
crutch a support used to help injured people walk. A crutch is a pole with a padded top that rests under the arm.
enchant to put under a magic spell; bewitch.
explode to burst because of too much pressure inside.
feature a part of the face such as the eyes, nose, or chin.
offender one who has upset or harmed another or has broken a law.
producer a person or company that makes something.
romp to move about or play in a lively manner.
sag to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle.
stampede the sudden and hurried mass movement of a large group of frightened animals.
swerve to change direction suddenly; turn quickly; veer.
thrust to push or drive with force.
various of different kinds; diverse.