Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amenity (plural) social courtesies; agreeable manners; pleasantries.
conflagration a large, damaging fire.
discrete separate and distinct.
engulf to cover entirely, as if by a flood.
flamboyant exceptionally showy or dashing in one's speech, manner, or appearance.
implode to violently collapse or compress inward.
inferiority the fact or condition of being lesser in quality, worth, importance, rank, or position.
invincible too strong to be defeated.
mania an extreme desire or enthusiasm.
nebulous hazy, confused, or indistinct.
nonchalant not showing excitement or anxiety; coolly confident, unflustered, or unworried;casually indifferent.
perjury the crime of telling a lie in a court after promising under oath to tell the truth.
proclivity a natural tendency or inclination; propensity or predisposition.
remittance money that is sent to someone or some place, usually in payment.
wan very pale.