Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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coeval coinciding in time of origin or existence; contemporary.
condign well-deserved or fitting, especially of punishment or reprimand.
doyen the senior or highest-ranking male member of a group.
duress intimidation or coercion.
exegesis a critical explanation or interpretive analysis, especially of religious texts.
extempore without plan or preparation; impromptu or improvised.
interdict to deter or impede by the steady use of firepower.
intersperse to place or scatter among other things.
ligature a band or tie.
modular designed with standardized units that may be arranged or connected in a variety of ways.
recidivism chronic return to bad habits, especially criminal relapse.
refulgent shining brilliantly; radiant.
solipsism the self-centered habit of interpreting and judging all things exclusively according to one's own concepts of meaning and value.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.
woebegone displaying or full of distress.