Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abolition the act of doing away with or putting an end to; the act of abolishing.
boisterous loud, unrestrained, and in high spirits; rowdy.
bounty the quality of giving in abundance; generosity.
caliber degree of competence, virtue, or worthiness.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
correspond to write letters.
escapade a wild adventure or prank, usually mischievous or mildly wicked.
exceed to go beyond or do more than.
inspire to arouse feelings of exaltation in.
mitigate to lessen the force, severity, or impact of.
recur to happen again or over and over.
renowned known and praised by many; famous.
stance the opinions or attitude of someone with regard to something.
synthetic made with chemicals formed in a laboratory instead of something found in nature; man-made; artificial.
untrustworthy not to be depended upon for honesty, loyalty, or responsible conduct.