Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ashore to or onto the shore.
bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
cinema the art or business of making movies.
conclusion an ending, result, or outcome.
demand to ask for forcefully; order.
disability something that makes a person unable to do certain things that most people can do.
discontent not satisfied; unhappy.
effectively in a way that produces a successful result.
hedge a solid row of bushes, used as a kind of fence.
laundry clothing, sheets, and other things that are cleaned by washing or that are washed and ironed.
mutant a life form whose genes are different from those of its parents. A mutant has new traits or characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring.
nectar the sweet liquid a plant makes that attracts insects and birds.
rival a person whom one tries to be better than; competitor.
term a word or phrase for something that might be known only by people who have a particular job, interest, or hobby.
weekday any day except Saturday and Sunday.