Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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amount measure; quantity.
art things that are made by humans and that people think have beauty or deep meaning. Music, films, written works, and paintings are examples of art.
dart to move quickly; dash.
dirty not clean.
gather to bring together into one place; collect.
ill not healthy; sick.
magnet an object that has the power to pull certain metals toward itself.
menu a list of foods served at a restaurant.
microphone a device that changes sound waves into electronic signals. Microphones are used to make sounds louder or to broadcast or record them.
movie a motion picture; film.
skin the thin outer covering of the body.
square a flat, closed figure with four straight sides of equal length and four equal corners.
trade to give in return for something else; exchange.
train a group of railroad cars connected together that carry people or things from one place to another.
visit to go or come to see.