Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agrarian pertaining to the ownership, tenure, or cultivation of land.
calculable able to be determined by mathematical computation.
devious not the straightest, most direct way; winding; roundabout.
dint force or impact.
entail to call for or bring about as a necessary accompaniment; necessarily involve.
malign to speak badly of or tell harmful lies about.
orifice an opening, such as a vent, mouth, or hole, through which something can pass.
pestilence an epidemic, usually deadly, disease; plague.
posterity all generations to come.
proclivity a natural tendency or inclination; propensity or predisposition.
ramification a consequence or related aspect of something; offshoot.
simplistic excessively simplified, as to be unrealistic.
sustenance nourishment that maintains life; food.
tertiary third in order, rank, importance, degree, or the like.
vehement intensely emotional; impassioned; heated.