Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ascertain to learn without question; determine.
benign causing little or no harm.
cognizant aware; informed (usually followed by "of").
cognomen a last name; surname.
comity mutual courtesy and respectful treatment among people or nations.
conversant familiar; acquainted; practiced (usually followed by "with" or "in").
cravat a scarf or band of cloth tied loosely about the neck.
epicene sharing the traits of both sexes.
expatiate to discuss something at great length; describe in great detail.
jeremiad a long complaint about life or one's situation; lamentation.
lupine2 fierce; greedy.
modular designed with standardized units that may be arranged or connected in a variety of ways.
opprobrious expressing condemnation or scorn; accusing of shameful behavior.
oppugn to oppose, contradict, criticize, or call into question.
virago a shrewish, domineering woman; nag or scold.