Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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amazement wonder; great surprise.
awkward without physical skill or grace; clumsy.
bloodshot red and irritated because of enlarged blood vessels.
bygone gone by; former; past.
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
communication the sharing or exchange of messages, information, or ideas.
companionship the relationship between or among people who spend time together; friendship.
curse a statement of a wish that something bad will happen to someone or something.
damage harm or injury that makes something less useful or valuable.
expedition a journey taken for a reason, or a group taking such a trip.
extension the act of making longer in size or length of time.
lessen to become or make smaller in amount or size.
meter3 a device that measures or records distance, speed, time, quantity, or degree.
photographer a person whose job is to take photographs.
union the act of joining together.