Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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augury the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens.
brash rudely self-assertive; bold; impudent.
contretemps an embarrassing or unfortunate happening; mishap; mischance.
disheveled not neat; messy.
effluvium an outflow of usually invisible, foul-smelling vapor or gas.
extort to extract or obtain (money or the like) by force, threats, or abuse of authority.
immiscible not able to be mixed or blended.
intransigence refusal to alter one's ideas or position in response to the wishes of others.
occlude to close or obstruct (a passage or opening, one's vision, or the like).
peremptory not permitting refusal or disobedience.
pneumatic of, using, or concerning air or other gases.
rodomontade puffed-up boasting or bravado.
saturnine gloomy, sullen, or cynical in temperament or appearance.
savor to give an impression; hint (usually followed by "of").
stickler one who must observe or conform to something (usually followed by "for").