Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affair an event, matter, or happening.
catastrophe an event that brings great harm, suffering, or loss to a large area or many people; terrible disaster.
defeat to win a victory over; beat in a game or battle.
delivery an act of bringing or sending something to a particular person or place.
develop to bring out the potential of; advance to a more complete or more effective condition.
economic having to do with the money system.
extension the act of making longer in size or length of time.
fabric cloth that is woven or knitted; material.
interruption the act of stopping or breaking off something in progress.
merit worth or high quality.
possession the act or condition of having or owning something.
snag a sharp or jagged projection upon which something can be caught or torn.
strangle to kill by stopping the breathing of, usually by surrounding the neck with something; choke.
trigger to cause, begin, or set off.
ultimately at the farthest or last point in a progression; finally; in the end.