Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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authentic real, genuine, or true.
concentration close attention; focused mental energy.
congenital existing from birth, but usually not hereditary.
eclipse the blocking from view of the sun, a moon, or a planet by another heavenly body. In an eclipse of the sun, the sun is hidden from earth's view by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
endorsement a statement given in support of a person or product, as in an advertisement or political campaign.
exert to use or put into action; apply.
inattention lack of attentiveness; neglect.
integration the process of bringing all parts together into a whole.
justification something that explains, rationalizes, or defends.
obese very fat.
preservation protection from loss or damage; the act of preserving.
reduction the amount by which a thing has been lessened or reduced.
replica a duplication or copy, especially one smaller than the original.
shareholder a person who owns stock in a business organization.
witless lacking or not using cleverness or intelligence; stupid; foolish.