Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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audit an often official examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy, or the report of such an examination.
conniption (informal) an outburst or fit of anger, hysteria, or the like.
facet one of the small, flat, polished surfaces of a cut gem.
impregnable1 able to withstand any attack, as a fortress.
incongruous not suitable or fitting; out of place.
intransigent refusing to alter an idea or a position in response to others' wishes; uncompromising.
jabber to speak or make sounds like speech, quickly or at length, but without making much sense or creating much interest in the listener; babble.
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience.
nostalgia a longing for the past.
preoccupation the state of being completely engrossed or absorbed in thought.
propriety proper or appropriate behavior.
raiment clothing; dress; apparel.
recourse that which may be turned to for assistance, protection, or a way out of a difficult situation.
remiss careless or negligent, especially in the performance of one's duty.
synthesis the combining of discrete elements into a unified compound or entity, or the unified whole formed by such a combining.